The Teutopolis Press and Dieterich Special Gazette from Teutopolis, Illinois (2025)

tinues unabated and recent developments have almost established without a doubt that gas and oil is here in paying quantities. The gas wells are much stronger than the operators expected to find and that the supply is sufficent to give Casey light and heat, and an abundance to operate factories with is no longer a doubt. The Westfield Reveiw has the following to say in regard to the situstion. The oil and gas outlook in the field south of this city is still said to be as flattering as ever by members of the Hobitzel company, who are putting down the wells. Pumping salt water has been discontinued and part of the casing has been taken out of the new well on the Young farm and it is said that oil and water is flowing from the well.

It is thought by some that this well will be shot for oil in a short time altho it is not definitely known what the company will do in this matter. Three of the Hoblitzeila were in the field this week and stated that the prospect was as good now as at any time since they commenced operations and that they never worked in an oil and gas field where the indications were better for good, paying wells. They express themselves as being confident that they will have abundance of gas to supply Westfield, Casey and Martinsville this winter. Several new operators have been nere this week and the striking of the well on the Dauthetee farm north east of town promises to be a genuine gusher It is said to be at least a 30. barrel well.

Already some inquire has been made for favtory locations and the outlook for the future of Casey is exceedingly bright. Board of Review is Finding Money. The Board of Review has added about $10,000 to the tax books this week and before the week is over they will more than double that amount. Considering this is the first week the board has been calling parties before them who were missed or otherwise failed to appear on the tax books, they are getting along as well as could be expected. The largest single amount added to the books so for is $2,000 which was turned in by Ella Burton, of Mound.

Calls have been sent out to persons in Mound, Douglas, Moccasin, Jackson, Union, Teutopolis, Summit Lucas, West and Banner townships but not one tenth of them have appeared so far. In Douglas township there were about forty persons missed and the new assessments in Douglas by the board so far amount to $900. Mr. Daniels, of Chicago was in the city Thursday representing the Postal Telegraph Company. In behalf of the company he objected to the that was made in their assessment in this county, particularly been in Mound, The company has replacing many of its poles in this section lately and also keeping a larger amount of supplies at the local offices, all of which were put on the books by the assessors.

However the company claims that inasmuch as the new poles are to replace the old ones their assessment in that regard should not be The board will probably compromise the -Efingham Record. "Granny" Youngblood's Desertion Judge E. Youngblood, who. held court in Toledo years ago, and wlio lives at Mt. Vernon, has deserted Democracy and announced for Teddy.

The Judge held office for a great many years, serving two terms as erreuit judge. When he made his third race for the nomination he was defeated in his own county by two to one and then he down" on the Democrat nominees. The Republicans who know the Judge intimately are not pleased with his acquisition. One of our exchanges, in commenting on the Judge's change of polities, says: We are reminded of a story told by Hartnett, of the Albion Repubican 'after this wise: Some years ago while Hartnett, was publishing a paper in Shawneetown and Judge Younblood lived there, the latter undertook one morning to lead a yearling calf to the pasture, but the bovine bucked and ran away with him. They were going lickeNy-split: through the Main street; A calf leading and the judge holding onto the tail and presenting most.

undignitied and unjudiciat figure. A friend called out are you bound for, Ed?" And the judge, in that basso profundo tone of his, yelled back, "To for all I know. Ask the calf," And pow he bast NEW HEALING POWERS IN THE TEES AT EUREKA SPRINGS, ARK. It would seem that new properties have been discovered in the waters at Eureka Springs, peculiarly adapted to assisting in the curing of the drug and liquor habits. These new properties have led to the es.

tablishment of a large and splendid: ly appointed Sanitarium, where these diseases (it they may be called such) are treated. A large and commodious hotel has been fitted up comfortably and every attention is given to patients. The Sanitarium is in charge of a skilled corps of special ists and some remarkable cures are being made. The Sanitarium is in charge of Dr. C.

A. Reed, and this gentleman invites correspondence on all troubles of this nature. Excursion tickets are sold from all points on the Frisco System a at very low rates. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Publie notice is Hereby given that the undersigned will attend before the Probate Court of Elingham County, Illinots, on the third day of October, 1904, being the first day of the October term, 1904.

of said Court, for the purpose of settling and adjusting all claims against the estate of Elisabeth Schuler, deceased, when and where all persons holding claims against the said deceased are notitied and requested to present the same for adjustment. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. ROSA SCHULER, Exeentrix. Dated August 18th, 1904. Barney Overbeck, Attorney.

EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that the undersigned will attend before the Probate Court of Etingham County, Illinois, on the Third day of October, 1904, being the first day of the October term, 1904, of said court, for the purpose of settling and adjusting all claims against the estave of Damasions Brey, deceased, when and where all persons holding claims against the deceased are notified and requested to present the same. for adjustment. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. CRENENZIA BRET, Executrix.

Dated August 18th 1904. Barney Overbeek, Attornes. FINAL SETTLEMENT, You are hereby notified that I have filed my final report as executor of the estate of Bernard Pruemer, deceased, in the office of the County Clerk, in Elingham County, Illinois, and will, on the first day of the September Term, 1904, apply to the Probate Court of Eff. ingham County. Illinois, for an order approving said report and discharging the signed as such executer.

BERNARD PRUENER. Dated Aug. 11th 1904. Wa. B.

WRIGHT, Atty. WEEKLY MARKET REPORT LIVE STOCK. $4 90 Cattle (good beef). 24-34c per lb Steers, 34-440 Steers, 3-340 Heifers, 3c Heifers feeders. 24-30 Calves 40 GRAIN Wheat.

100 per bushel 6 Shelled 46 4 Buckwheat 50c Timothy Seed. 100-1 25 per bu Red Top Seed No. 1....60 per lb $6 00 per ton hay $7 50 per ton Bailed PRODUCE. 15c per dozen Lard 4 pound Bacon 9c Ham 10e Shoulders 8c Tallow 4c Bees Wax. 20e wides (salted).

(dry). .:100 wides Hides (green No. ...50 6 Butter 13c Potatoes. 40c bu Onions. 40c per pound POULTRY.

per' pound Young 9 3c Old Turkey Turkey 5e Ducks. 5e Dueks Geese 40 VANDALIA LINE EXCURSIONS. Home Seekers Excursions to west, northwest south and south-west. the drat day of and third Tues, each month. The following arrangements bare been inade for the sales of excursion tickets to St.

Louis and the Louisiana Pur chase Exposition: Season excursion tickets will be sold daily commencing Monday, April 25th, 1904. Return limit December 15th, 1904. Round trip $5,35. -day excursion tickets will be sold daily commencing Monday, April 95th. Return from date, but not later limit 60 days than December 15th, 1904.

Round trip rate 8 00. Coach excursion tickets, good in coaches only, will be soldeach Tuesday and Thursday, from May 17th to June 30th, inclusive, Return limit 7 days from date. Round trip rate $3.35. Additional from all points on the Vandalia Line. sill For be puton about May 1st.

further particulars write to JOHN BEAL, Agent. VANDALIA LINE TIME TABLE. Trains on the Vandalia Line leave his station as follows: Teutopo GOING EAST. GOING WEST. 5:51 m.

37 10:10 a mi For rates or any further information apply JOHN BEAL Agent: EFFINGHAM From the Daily Record. the Line of Bedding! Are your present needs sup plied? Has it occurred to you that there is economy in buying A good meritorions article in the mattress line. A mattress will last twedty-five years and be as soft as a feather bed all the tine, and not possessed of the animal heat as in feathere is worth thinking abont. The Stearns and Foster felt mattress is all the above implies. It absolutely stands supreme, and in crowned king of all felts by the largest furniture dealers of today.

Buy one, sleep on it sixty nights, and if not all you expect of it we bay It back at frill urice. Prices, $15.00, $11.00 and $8.50. Other mattresses down to $2.00. Iu this department a full line of bed springs; pillows, comforts and blankets. W.

S. Broom Co. ILLINOIS: I Have Many Farms and cit propert and stocks of 90008 for sale and exchange that I bave not listed, but I be wanting just such property as pout bave: so write me just wbat pou bave. Come and let me ebow you some of my properties TUbe pay rent, when pOlL can buy a bome on easy montbiv pave ments. CRAMER.

The Jeweler and Optician, EFFINGHAM. ILLINOIS, 303 W. Jefferson St. DAVID I WRIGHT BROTHERS LAWYERS. Rooms Fan 2.

Opera House Block. Jefferson Street. EFFINGHAM. ILL Barney Overbeck Attorney-at-Law, Probate Business and Collecting a Specialty ILL, South of Court House. F.

W. GOODELL, Physician and Surgeon Office over Hodebecke Sisters Millinery Store Calls promptly attended to, day or night Jerson Street. EFFINGHAM. ILL Ayer's What are your friends saying about you? That your gray hair makes you look old And yet, you are not forty Postpone this looking old. Hair Vigor Use Ayer's Hair Vigor and restore to your gray hair all the deep, dark, rich color of early life.

Then be satisfied. Ayer's Hair Vigor restored the natural color to my. gray and am greatly pleased. It is all you claim for N. F.

MES. E. J. VANDECAR, Mechanicsville, 81.00 a bottle, J. O.

AYER All druggists for Lowell, Mass Dark Hair Complete line of FURNITURE GOOD QUALITY. PRICES RIGHT. A GREAT LINE OF Oak Suits, Kitchen Cabinets, Parlor and Dining Tables, Side Boards, Odd Dressers, couches, Sofas, picture frames, Shades, Etc. Come in and see our goods before you purchase. A.

M. POEPPELMEYER FAVORITE HOME PAPER. Why the Twice Week Republic Has Achieved Wide Popularity. Established for nearly a century and read regularly by more than 500,000 persons in the West and Southwest, the REPUBLIC of St. Louis can justly lay claim to that enviable distintion, "Favorite Home Par per.

It is great because it has always aimed to inform, instruct and entertain its readers on all matters of public and home interest. In 1904 it will be especially interesting and valuable. Here are some reasons why you should subscribe for it: This is campaign year, and you will want to" be informed of the movements of party leaders, reports of the great National and State conventions, the of the campaign, reports of electiona, etc. You will want to know all about the World's Fair, to be held in St. Louis from April 30 to December 1, 1904.

You will be interested in and kept well informed by the Visitor, a regular supple: ment of the paper, prepared especially for the farmer and his family. You wilt want to know what the world is doing in every feld of activity, and through the nakurpassed news and special service of the TWICE A WEEK REPUBLIC you will not be disappointed. In short sketches. choice bits of artieles of interest to women. children, and the home.

fastion hiuts and helpful household muggestions the TWICE-A-WEEK REPUBLIC easily leads among the weeklies of the great West. If you want the TWICE A-WERK REPUBLIC send to your address, order it at once direct from the office at Louis, or through your local newsdealer. It costs only el a Fear, Speaking of Pleasant Things Mr. O'Hara says; Oi little pleasant but today Oi was standin' atone picking me teeth and droives up and hitches his me, and Oi was walkin sthreet and some lady in story begin to water her That was bad enuf, but friend Pat who was passin You must be warm from youse, sweating," I felt like sumthin. Mrs.

Albert Campbell of this city is the hostess at the Illinois Building at the World's Fair this week. Harriet. Austin is her assistant. Rose and Mary Kreke left this week for Seattle, on a visit to their uncle, Antou Kreke. Lucy Miller, a daughter of W.

W. Miller of this city, was married, a year ago to Frank Inman of Murphysboro at Sullivar and the marriage was kept a secret until last week, when the bride told her relatives. Effingham defeated Altamonti in a game of ball at Altamont Sunday by a score of 14 to 3, Co. I. N.

is in camp at Springfield this week. Ben Arnold, the rural free deliv. ery mail carrier who traverses the east route, No. 8, out of this city, every week day with the regularity of clock works, came near losing his wagon, horses aud even the mail Wednesday in a runaway. While passing over a small bridge about a mile and half east of the city a few boards gave way under the horses.

They became frightened, tipped the mail wagon over and dragged it down the road as fast as they could run for half mile. Mr. Arnold grabbed his mail pouch and jumped for his life. When hee caught up with his team the top was torn off the mail wagon but be managed to straighten out things so that he could make the remainder of his trip. South St Francis John Terhorst left Sunday, for his home in Terre Haute, after visit here with relatives for several weeks.

Mrs. Mary Niendiek of Dieterich visited relatives in this neighborhood several days the past week. Arnold Heuerman and family were Sunday visitors to Dieterich. Anton Deters was a business visitor to Dieterich Monday: John Dress and family were Sunday visitors to Bishop. Mrs.

Joe Kitten left Thursday for her home in Chicago after spending week here visiting relatives, Mrs. Wm. Miller, Mary Ordner and Mamie Nosbich returned home Sunday from a weeks visit to the World's Fair. Frank Hoelscher and family were Sunday visitors at the home of J. B.

Pruemer. Frances Buenemeyer was a Sunday visitors at the home of B. Wernsing. Jos. Mette was a business visitor to Efingham one day this week.

Island Grove. Several of the Grove people attended the picnio at Dieterich Monday. Katie Lustig and Clara Leoffel, after several weeks visit with friends and relatives, teturned to Chicago Tuesday. 'Dr. J.

H. Maxwell and Prof. Ar. vold of Newton were visitors at Gib Mason's Thursday. Cucle John Collins.

and granddaughters, Bessie and Lizzie, returned from Clay county, Saturday, where they have been visiting relatives. Joe Lustig entertained relatives and friends Sunday evening in honor of Katie Lustig and Clara Leoffel. Luncheon was served. Joe. Cohorst transacted business in Teutopolis Monday.

Flora Adam of near Teutopolis visited her sister Mrs. Henry Jausen, Sunday. horse Chester Mason left for St. Louis to along the Tuesday to take in the big Fair. a second died Thursday mornLucy llanna flowers.

ing after several weeks illness, aged when me about 12 years. Lucy was a very by ways, bright child and her pleasant dispothe way sition made her a favorite with those saying who knew her and espiceally her little schoolmates. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Field of Dieterich at the residence on Friday morning, after which the remains were taken to the Fairfield cemetery and there in the presence relatives and friends deposited in the silent Gas Well News. Work at the gas well is progressing as well as can be looked for.

Delays for one thing and another occur gecasionally but fairly good time is being made. Drilling here has been found much more difficult than in the Indjana field, East of us In the Casey field drilling is going on every day. We take the following from the Casey Banner of a recent date: in the Oil, Gas, and Coal development ty this locality still con- HOGAN BROTHERS' COMPANY. I Look out for Hogan Brothers new fall goods which are now arriving. Hogan Brothers' The Leaders.

EFFINGHAM, ILLINOIS World's Fair Excursion Rates to St. Louis Via VANDALIA LINE. From Teutopolis, Illinois, 15-Day Ticket, $4.45 60-Day Ticket. $5.00 Season Ticket, $5.30 Coach Excursion Rates each Tuesday and Thursday in July, August and September $3-35 Apply to JOHN BEAL, Agent, for Excursion Tickets. SPECKER CO.

WHOLESALE Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishings, Etc. 410 Elm Street Cincinnati, Obio TO USERS OF HORSE GOODS. I now have entire charge of the harness business in Montrose and am in a position to save you money on your purchased in my line if you will only give me the opportunity. My aim will be to give you better goods for your money than you can get elsewhere. carry everything that is new andoup-to-date in the harness line and want your trade.

you are in need of any horse goods call on or write to me. Maybe the Harness you buy eslewbere is all right, but you can be certain of what you buy here, We make it and stand back of every stitch, strap and river. Right now we are showing an elegant line of summer lap robes which ou should see. FRED GOEBEL, Montrose, Illinois. THE TEUTOPOLIS FIRE DEPARTMENT 7th Annual PIcnic will be given on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24TH, 0.

in Hackman's Grove at Teutopolis, Illinois Admission to the Grounds $1.00 with free beer and dancing. moind misunderstandin, on a curb a fellow But business is no joke- it can be made a light and pleasant task by fortifying yourself with the right kind of a Heating and Cooking Stove for the winter. We are agents for the Garland Ranges and Heater -the best stoves on the market. A large shipment of Heating Stoves of. varions styles has just been received by us and are in now position to show you the largest stock of stoves handled by any olle dealer.

It pays to select your heater early, WEBER BRO'S. Teutopolis, Illinois. It has been decided to make this picnic an invitation affair and admittance will be by card only. An admission of $1. will be charged all males over 21 years of age and all young men accompanied by a lady.

Ladies and children free where one I member of the family purchases a ticket. Dancing commences at 3 p. m. Music by the Dietrich band COMMITTEE..

The Teutopolis Press and Dieterich Special Gazette from Teutopolis, Illinois (2025)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.